The best Doctors & Medical Practitioners in Burnaby
63 results with 12594 reviews from multiple sources
Room G, Suite 201 - 3701 Hastings St., Burnaby
2025 Willingdon Ave Unit 830, Burnaby
4885 Kingsway, Burnaby
Would just like to share my wonderful experience with Dr Ross Horton and his fabulous and profession...
by Ubus Ummu Soxnasem on 13/02/2015 7885 6th St, Burnaby
He was my doctor since 2011, helped my with my CABG and coronary artery stanting in 2013. I was a re...
by Rajinderpal Bhatia on 01/10/2023 4453 Lougheed Hwy, Burnaby
Worst experience dealing with an unprofessional receptionist. I’m pregnant and was brought to tears ...
by Sarah on 27/07/2022
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