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32508 Tulip Cr.
V2T 1R8 Abbotsford
British Columbia


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Bonnie Gedlaman 14.12.2021
I would leave a zero if I could. This company is awful! two different crews came with two different trucks to move us. The first crew broke glassware and an oak chair, did not take down and being a painting they were supposed to and complained constantly about having to move heavy items. My husband left 20 minutes after them and they did not arrive until a half hour AFTER he got to the new house. I must point out they charge by the hour.
The second crew also did not bring the painting. My husband had to leave the house to come to the new house for the first crew, so he asked them to call him before they left so he could verify they had everything. He did not hear from them so he attempted to call them. Twice. They did not answer. Twenty minutes later they called him as they were on the highway. As a result, a 20 ft ladder was also not brought. When they arrived they were to put together a large desk they had dismantled to load. After unloading they told my husband they were done and went to leave. He saw that the desk had not been reassembled so he ran out to the moving truck before they drove away. They said they were tired and would come the following morning to assemble the desk, and additionally would bring both the painting and the ladder.
That night when we were organizing boxes (they also put only about a third of the boxes in the rooms they were labelled to go to) we noticed that a gargoyle statue that sits on our deck was missing. This is an authentic statue and had been shipped to my husband at great expense from a friend of his as a gift. we contacted the owner of the company the next morning after hearing nothing from the crew and again getting no answer when we attempted to call. We outlined everything that had happened and asked about the missing gargoyle.
The owner basically blamed everything on us, telling us that we had not packed correctly. We purchased new moving boxes and totes and taped and labelled everything, save one box that we forgot to tape the bottom of. The owner further said we should have taken the painting down and wrapped it. It's is a 5ft x 5ft painting that the crew had agreed to take down and transport. He also told us that we should have taken the ladder ourselves, and that they are paid by the hour and have no contract with us and are therefore not responsible for breakage, damage, or missing items. We again asked about the gargoyle and were again not told where it is. We were, however, told by the company owner that if the gargoyle was broken that it was our fault because we did not box it. It is a statue. A large one. It will not fit in a moving box. In the past movers have wrapped in blankets and it has arrived safely. We still have no idea where the gargoyle is or what happened to it.
The owner was talking over me and very argumentative. I was so furious I hung up on him. He then called my husband and did a repeat performance. My husband also hung up on him.
In short....shoddy movers, job not complete, very valuable and sentimental item missing, and a huge bill. These guys literally took the money and ran.
Please people, DO NOT hire this company. I did research after the fact (yes, an error on my part) and found many negative reviews online. I complained to the BBB - there are also several negative reviews on their site.

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