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30310 Old Yale Road
V4X 2N7 Abbotsford
British Columbia

(604) 857-0303


Recent reviews on Yably

Tammy Bedder 09.07.2023
Completly reckless company. Has email addresses that all come back Damon Failure
Boss Sonny was completely nasty when my son called him via RCMP info he received to locate his deceased fathers tractor trailers which park in Paradise Freightways yard when not in operation.
He was cold, callous & showed no compassion or empathy towards my son or his fathers recent death.
Makes you wonder how a company with several emails all come back Damon Failure.
Also makes you question lawsuits
which they and their driver Stan Michaels are sued by Plaintiffs Taiwan Express Co. Ltd for an undisclosed amount of $ for cargo damage. In the courts July 31/2018
Makes you question where the Nastiness comes from towards my son.
Paradise & Stanley Michaels owe a ton of $$$ . Stanley passes away a short time after leaving his wife liable for all his outstabding debts (They ironically are all my sons fathers "FRIENDS" )
My sons father passes they all are evasive & nasty & my sons father is taken from BC Coroners office & cremated by ???.Your guess as good as ours. Considering nobody but my son or his fathers sister both of Ontario would have rightful legal claim to him. Not to mention his assets & his two tractor trailers which were in Sonny PFW'S care at time of Stephen's demise. Surely if sold they'd cover their debts from lawsuit $ owed to Taiwan Express Co.Ltd.
How convenient.
Don't trust these people as far as you can throw them.
You'll be sorry

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