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V2S 6J4 Abbotsford
British Columbia

(604) 852-5004

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:30 AM - 05:00 PM
09:30 AM - 06:00 PM
09:30 AM - 06:00 PM
09:30 AM - 06:00 PM
09:30 AM - 06:00 PM
09:30 AM - 06:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

J Gill 17.09.2022
I had a lovely initial experience on August 25th when Raj helped me select and purchase my first pair of glasses at this shop. However, when I arrived to pick them up today, on September 16th, that lady was not present. The woman who was was supposed to help me collect my order was the most unpleasant employee I've seen in an optometry. She did not ask me to sit at any of the vacant desks (even when two were free), but kept me standing at the front counter where customers were paying their bills, collecting refunds, and making eye appointments. She dismissively noted that I was wearing contacts, but did not ask me to take them out, as my optometry in my hometown would have done. My glasses were loose and they were crooked, something they were not in August. She had me waiting for a lengthy time, while people's elbows jostled me as they settled their bills at the front counter. I asked her why I wasn't seated at a desk like I had seen two customers do so while I was in the shop today. She shrugged her shoulders and said she's too busy. She was not. I was given the nicest attention when I made my purchase in August, but today, I was barely helped and sent out from the front door. I recall clearly that on August 25th, a customer came into this shop to collect her new glasses. She was given a seat by an employee and was allowed to try on her glasses until they were just right No such service was given to me today. Not only was this insulting, but frustrating, since I had made such an expensive purchase only three weeks earlier. My money and I were not valued here. I wish I had never set foot in such an unpleasant environment filled with such unpleasant employees as her. I will keep looking for an optometry that actually wants me as a customer. Now I'm stuck with a brand-new pair of eye glasses, that should they need any altering, I would have to enter a shop that I wasn't even welcome today. What I experienced today was full on discriminatory mistreatment.

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