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300 Veterans Blvd NE
T4B 3P2 Airdrie

(403) 948-9934

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Anonymus76495 Source: Cylex | 29.08.2015
From an employee's perspective: When Sphinx contacted me the other day they asked if I wanted to come in for a trial (I had handed in a resume looking for a job the day before). There was no mention of a job offer so I assumed it would be just that- a trial. To see how I liked the salon and see if they liked me. When I showed up the next morning I found Peter to be quite rude. He told me that he doesn't like hiring young people because young people have personal lives and don't have ambition or dedication. I'm 19, just recently graduated from beauty school. He then proceeded to tell me that I basically cannot have a personal life because he expects me to be available for work whenever he needs me. I understand where he's coming from, but that is a little extreme. I was a little put off by his manner but as the day went on things started to get better. About halfway through the day we were talking about wages but there was still no official job offer, there hadn't even been a proper interview. So I told him that I was going to take the weekend to think about the job, as I had other offers to look over too and wanted to make sure that I was making the best decision. Well, he didn't like that and he pulled me aside and started laying into me about how this is a yes or no salon and there are no maybes. He also told me that just because I think his salon was crappy because it was located inside a superstore didn't mean that I could walk all over him. Except, I never once told him that or even thought that. I had shown him nothing but respect all day. And from what I understand, I have a right to take a job offer home and to think about it. But apparently that's not the case with him so I left. He also told me that I only wanted to start from the top and not work my way up in the system- which was so inappropriate of him to even assume. As far as I know, Great Clips and Supercuts are not starting at the top. And apparently me wanting to think about a job offer, is treating him like I would treat my boyfriends (what?!). Funny thing though, he had been nice to me after the chat that morning but as soon as I said I'm going to think about the offer, he totally turned and started getting mad. It kind of reminded me of a child throwing a tantrum when they don't get their way. Another thing that also bothered me was that he would not stop trash talking my school and my instructors. Apparently, he had been fired from there as an instructor and was quite bitter about it still. I imagine it was because of his attitude, acting like he is the be all and end all of stylists. I feel like this was very inappropriate of him and unprofessional as he was treating me as an employee without even giving me a job offer let alone an interview. Not once was it mentioned that I was an employee from the moment I walked through the doors. I had no obligation to him other than to be there for that day and try it out. Just because I was not jumping up and down and accepting his non-existent offer on the spot does not give him the right to disrespect me the way he did, and I feel that other stylists should be warned about his behavior and how he thinks it is acceptable to bully his potential employees.

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