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4486 Ontario St
L0R 1B5 Beamsville

(905) 563-7922

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08:00 AM - 10:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Lix Matfa Emgax Source: Cylex | 08.07.2015
1-star is rather generous if you ask me. I have not experienced it yet where I have called in a prescription, arrived several hours after they said it would be ready and actually picked it up. The actual pharmacists, excluding W****** and the "cashiers" treat you horribly and are extremely rude. They are constantly counting out my prescriptions wrong and dispensing sometimes up to 25% less than I'm prescribed. I'm not sure whether to attribute this to them being unable to count or if they are pocketing the difference (for self gain or Rexall gain). I don't have benefits and some of my medication costs up to $2 FOR 1 PILL. This means I've literally had cases where I've been cheated 25 pills yet I'm still charged $50 for them. You'd be better off opening the bottle at the counter and counting then before you purchase them (actually get what you pay for). As if being on prescription medications is not a bad enough experience they will definitely make the experience 10x worse for you. It is a monthly routine for me to go through 4-5 days of withdrawls due to their incompetence, meanwhile they put a hold on my prescriptions for attempting to fill them early (when i was not administered the proper amount).

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