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15 Coachworks Cres
L6R 3Y2 Brampton

(800) 411-6688

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

k.a bang bang 09.08.2023
I'm a Canadian Id4 owner and my car has been bought and serviced at Bramgate VW . The car has been with them since April 22nd, that over 3 months and counting. They said the part will come on July 13 which changed to July 31st which now changed to we have no idea when the part will come or even if it will ever come. At this point I doubt I will ever see the car again. All I get is sorry its too bad.

Just an update to make all potential consumers aware before they put their hard earned cash, they still have the vehicle, going on close to 4 months now, the head of dealership said they would buy back the car in July 12th, I asked them to do so in early August and they refused. So he said he would buy it but when I called him on it he said no we won't. Very said and I hate to say it but I have lost confidence in both VW and the dealer. I cannot trust their word. Hopefully bramgate and vw can resolve this and back up what they say and their product.
Blurry Phace 26.06.2023
DO NOT PURCHASE A VEHICLE FROM BRAMGATE. DISASTER! Worst customer service l've ever encountered. And this is of course after purchasing a car from Bramgate.
Let's just say the used car salesman Ali was
ASLEEP in his chair when I came to purchase the car. Mouth open completely asleep!! Since then I've had issues with the car and ZERO help or even reply's to my emails. When I went to see him in person he called me irate during a normal conversation and hurried to get me out of his office so he wouldn't have to "deal" with me. Since then nothing but dead air from him or any associate via email. Will be contacting Bill Johnston the general manager and will be forwarding all the emails and non replies. haven't been able to even enjoy my EGolf. Completely REGRET purchasing from Bramgate. And I highly recommend
EVERYONE to stay clear of them and their company. Just the absolute worst.

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