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210 Clarence Street
L6W 1T4 Brampton

(905) 453-6403

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:30 AM - 05:30 PM
09:30 AM - 05:30 PM
09:30 AM - 05:30 PM
09:30 AM - 06:00 PM
09:30 AM - 06:00 PM
09:30 AM - 05:00 PM
12:00 PM - 04:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Helen Efthimiadis Source: Cylex | 22.04.2020
When the shipment arrived half the order was missing, parts were missing from the lights that did arrive and things were broken. I gave you a lot of money based on your promise to deliver the FULL order in its entirety. You now have thousands of dollars of my money (you know the amount, its 5 digits!) and you haven't replied to any of our multiple emails or phone calls and haven't shown the courtesy of a reply. I know that you are doing online sales during covid and are still running a business but have conveniently not replied to our messages. It’s been 2 months that you have been holding onto my money and I don't have half the products on the invoice I paid. That's not exactly living up to your claim to have good customer service. Please reply to one of our many requests to resolve this. I know that you know that there are legal ramifications to your actions. I'd prefer not to pursue that path. I want my lights or a refund immediately in the next 24 hours. There is no scenario where you get to keep my money without delivering the order. We have tried for weeks to do this by contacting you directly and Nicolas even communicated that he is aware of the short shipment and will handle it but he has since not followed up on this promise either. Ignoring your customer demonstrates a complete lack of respect and entitlement and shows how little you care about your customers. Your complete lack of responsiveness and lack of being considerate speaks volumes to your less than optimal values and integrity. I want resolution in the next 24 HOURS!

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