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595 West Street
N3R 7C5 Brantford

(519) 756-0123

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
06:00 AM - 08:00 PM
06:00 AM - 08:00 PM
05:00 AM - 00:00 AM
04:00 AM - 00:00 AM
04:00 AM - 00:00 AM
04:00 AM - 00:00 AM
04:00 AM - 00:00 AM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Twilight Source: Cylex | 10.02.2011
I hated this organization. I had to cancel my membership and they told me they would refund me. Since then, no money. Its a SCAM!
Member Source: Cylex | 30.01.2011
I joined TAC when the Ladies Only first opened and was quite happy with everything at that time. Since then, the conditions at the club have steadily deteriorated. Equipment is NOT maintained and repaired, the change rooms and workout areas are not nearly as clean as they should be and with the constant push on for new members, it is often very difficult to get on equipment, use weights and find a spot in classes. When new members join, there is obviously no talk about etiquette such as NOT leaving empty water bottles, used paper towels etc laying around, NOT chatting to your friends in person, or on cell phones while taking up mat spots or occupying equipment, NOT putting equipment and weights away when done. In short, TAC has little respect/regard for existing members and just pushes to make the $$ by offering great incentives to have new people join and be bound by the one year contract.
Anomynous Source: Cylex | 27.12.2010
The Athletic club can be a great deal if you take advantage of what their is to offer. The zumba classes by Shelley are worth my membership. I attend each class and to pay individually would be $10. Every Monday I attend - that's $40 a month. My corporate membership rate was about $37 a month. I received a free shirt, free $50 gift card towards shakes, fitness wear etc. , and 1 free year of tanning. The consultants and trainers are good, but, way too expensive - many trainers have figured out that they are making peanuts at the athletic club and have gone out on their own, and offer training at 1/2 the cost of the athletic club. Paying $50 an hour is way too much AND the trainers are not receiving a large portion of this. Overall the AC is great and I can take my kids to family swim Fridays and sundays for free. They have a lot to offer and I tried going to a locally owned woman's gym for basically the same cost - 3 months for $100, but the equipment was way old, sometimes broken and there were next to no classes, not to mention no pool. So if you can get a corporate for $37 a month you are getting quite a deal :)Good Luck

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