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890 Appleby Line
L7L 2Y8 Burlington

(905) 332-8575

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Fab G 28.04.2023
Be very careful with doing any business with "Good Cars Only" and Brian Velenosi. I contacted them 3 times for a carfax/vehicle history on a vehicle that was advertised. All 3 times Brian Velenosi decided to ignore a potential new clients request for information on a used vehicle for sale, which is standard practice to protect consumers from scammers, damaged vehicles, and lying used car salesman. No used vehicle information was shared even though he had the information readily available. Below was the response I received all 3 times from Brian who thought he was being funny. "Thank you for your inquire the car is here its available we are open 9-6 Mon-Friday 9=-4 Saturday come see it when you have the time." Yes the grammar leaves something to be desired as well. Then he thought it would be funny to start sending blank emails to my personal inbox over and over, instead of forwarding the vehicles history in order to have a potential client come to see the vehicle if it's worth our time, after seeing the history. This is how he manages new clients and new business opportunities. I contacted him over the phone to see if he was physically ok, and he sarcastically answered the phone to tell me he was having weird computer issues which was another lie, in a sarcastic tone. Unable to send a vehicle history report on 6 separate emails was his business practice. When I called him he didn't offer the information, he just continued to be an unprofessional a**hole. I have since posted a review of his very unprofessional business practices on his "Good Cars Only" facebook page which he does not want clients to see how he conducts business, so he has hidden them. The only reason I still do not have a vehicle history is because the vehicle has reports on it that he does not want his clients to see. Shady business practices and disgusting behaviour in business. Do your homework people, avoid this business, terrible integrity. It's a shame because I have never heard of "Good Cars Only" and I purchase 60-80 used vehicles per year with an avg purchase price of $18,000+. Yes that accounts for $1.4M in revenue that he pissed away because he wanted to be shady. This is not a place you want to invest your money in. If you think any of this review is inaccurate, I'm happy to post the entire dialogue with this unprofessional salesperson, and when looking him up on social media, his profile has no info, no images, no interaction with anyone. That tells you everything you need to know about how he transacts with potential customers. After he sells them a car, he hides just like his profile.
Stay way unless you want to be scammed.

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