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Recent reviews on Yably

Anthony Abdul Source: Cylex | 03.01.2020
In the upfront build of this relationship, Brad met with me and guaranteed me same day service / rates etc... and reviewed 3 projects to quote on. His wife Michelle took longer then should, and quoted me for each of the projects. I then approved and they began to work on each. It took much longer then it should have to complete, and this is when I found out they contract their work to Higher Standards / Miko. While a nice guy, during the course of the completion of these projects, I found that they were short staffed, under stress to complete his own contracts and that Lougheed was not his primary focus. The work was completed eventually, but there were tweaks remaining 8 months later. When the invoices came out, they were higher then quoted, and I called in to Michelle to discuss, and she broke down crying and pleading with me to pay as she made a mistake. It was approx 10% more then quoted, I had every right not pay the difference, but I chose to; as I wanted to build a partnership so they can service my account and prioritize me. During this time we had emergency issues, and calling in to Lougheed would go to an answering service, or Michelle would pick up and it would seem she was occupied with personal business then listening to my call. I would email, not get answers, I would book and not get service. I then started communicating more with Miko, he would service us as best as he could, but it would be on his time / not mine. The issues built where we had a freezer reefer / system issue, and its been going on for 3 months, lies from Miko, not showing up on 8 occurrences that he booked, wasted time from my staff to help support / defrosting the unit, only for Miko to not show and it freezing up again, and then no answer from him. There are no 'higher standards' being met here - as I had another tech and and he quickly showed me 3 issues that would have been found and corrected months ago. I would assume they are in the business of new builds, but cannot service / troubleshoot and root cause to correct. Brad has not contacted me (the owner) / Miko has decided to keep playing games, and Michelle is attempting to charge me for this BS fiasco, which will go straight to small claims for the thousands in losses from damaged product, time lost / etc... DONT DEAL WITH THEM - These type of contractors are all over and nothing sets them out above the rest.

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