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2289 Fairview St
L7R 2E3 Burlington

(905) 681-1103

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

David Barker 06.04.2024
Dr. Ladd performed a colonoscopy. Two days later I got severe bloating and tightness in my abdomen. My skin became numb and tingly. I called the office number, no answer. Left a voicemail. I think I left about four voicemails without response. I went to the office and the assistant there who had the door locked open and let me in. I told you what the problem was and she said she would get in contact with Dr. Ladd. There was nobody else in the office and yet the phone's going answered. The voicemail that they have says they answer the phones between 8:30 and 4:30. That is a lie they don't answer the phones. I began leaving messages at the end of February '24. At the end of that voicemail message they stated " "Please note the office will be closed on Monday, January 1st" ! Unbelievable! ! Eventually after 3 weeks of severe discomfort I got an appointment to see her. She said she didn't have any idea what was causing it. She sent me for an ultrasound. I had the ultrasound and the technician said Dr. Lads would have the results within 48 hours. 2 weeks later. I still have not heard from Dr. Ladd. So I called the office and left a snotty vmail. The following day I received a call from the assistant who read me the results. But she had no idea what those results meant or what I should do. I would have thought after having performed a procedure on a patient, the doctor would want to follow up the next couple of days to ensure that everything's okay. Dr. Ladd did not. She did not even follow out with me after my various voicemails and my visit to the office to say that I was in extreme discomfort. She is an embarrassment to the medical profession.

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