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1250 Brant St
L7P 1X8 Burlington


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09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
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09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Conan Grouch 26.02.2022
Warning!!! These people ripped me off. I ordered 4 boxes of protein bars on January 14, 2022. I received the bars on January 19, 2022. I noticed right away that the bars expired on January 8, 2022. I tried calling the customer service number a dozen times over a few days and no one picked up. I emailed the company and advised the bars were out of date a couple times and received no response (I even sent a picture of the box showing there were expired). Frustrated I wrote a poor review on the BBB website. Here is the crazy part, they actually responded to the review to completely lie and say I used separate email addressed and I did not respond to them when they reached out to me. They never emailed me. I did not used separate email addresses. Perhaps the most troubling part was that they claimed the bars actually expired in August 1, 2022 and not January as I claimed. Well the boxes clearly say best before 22 JA 08. This does not even remotely say August. What I worry about is that they would go to such lengths to lie instead of simply sending me current bars of a refund. At this point I have no interest in getting a refund or fresh bars. I simply want to warn people that anyone that would put this much effort into lying is not worth doping business with. They are many better online vendors for protein products so I suggest you use those people instead of Supplement Superstore.
Conan Grouch 25.01.2022
WARNING!!!!! Avoid purchasing from this vendor. I bought 4 boxes of protein bars. All 4 were out of date when I received them. I tried calling the customer service line multiple times over several days and it just rings endlessly. There is not even an answering machine. I tried emailing them several times to request bars that were not expired or a refund but received no response. It shows a lot about a company that will rip you off for a few dollars. Popeyes Supplements has much better customer service and actually responds to inquiries or issues. Body Energy is also another great option that seems to actually care about their clients.

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