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5630 Inman Ave
V5H 2L7 Burnaby
British Columbia

(778) 568-0751

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07:00 AM - 08:00 PM
07:00 AM - 08:00 PM
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07:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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aly g 30.11.2021
Zero stars. The true test of a good company and good customer service is not how a company treats you when things run smoothly, but how a company treats you when there are problems with the service provided. When i look at reviews I always look at the lowest ratings to see what is it that the company did that caused a low rating. Sometimes things happen, we are all human and things can go wrong even with the best intentions and some customers expect perfection. The question I want to know is how did that company address the issue? How was the customer treated in the process of the attempts to resolve or make right.

I had Rif moving load a Upack cube for me for a move from Vancouver to California. I was not present and a friend supervised the move. My things arrived very damaged. Multiple items were destroyed. I reached out to Rif to discuss what had happened. They did not even call me back to discuss the issue, they sent an email. So I called them. I was informed that the Rif movers had told the supervisor of my move that it would be best to use 2 cubes and also asked her to go get additional wrapping materials as they had used all the blankets i provided, and she declined.

I made no accusations that this info provided to me was not true. I took Tiffaney's word and in no way argued that my supervisor had not declined as Tiffaney indicated. I stayed calm and pleasant but wanted to know more as i did not understand why Rif did not provide the minimal amount of protection for my belongings i.e shrink wrap, as every company i have ever moved with wraps every item with shrink wrap. She then immediately became more and more aggressive in the way she spoke with me. She vehemently claimed that they only bring as much shrink wrap and materials as is expected to be used based on the list of items provided by the customer as they dont want unexpected charges for the customer (its like $10 a roll). I found that curious as you would think they would have extra moving supplies in the truck in case something unexpectedly occurs that requires more wrapping and questioned further about this. I found it very strange that if the company knows things will be damaged if they are not wrapped that they do not offer additional wrapping materials at the time of the move by disclosing the price and asking the customer if they want them.

She continued to become more RUDE and more AGGRESSIVE and more DEFENSIVE, while i had accused her of nothing and was simply trying to understand what happened and why my belongings were thrown into the upack cube with no protection. She blamed my move supervisor and the upack company for everything and took ZERO responsibility. (For example, i had a large canvas that WAS wrapped with a blanket i provided and it could easily have been placed between the mattress and the box spring to protect it, instead it was placed on the outside of the mattress and the canvas was punctured with the stand of a marble side table that was thrown in on its side. This was without question the responsibility of the movers)

At this point in the exchange she had raised her voice and her aggressive nature to what i considered an abusive level so i told her that my review would speak to this behaviour that i experienced and hung up the phone. If you hire Rif and it runs smoothly, you will have a good move. If there are any problems expect to receive the same abusive behaviour as i did.

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