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5304 1A St SE
T2H 1J2 Calgary

(403) 253-7867

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Danielle Owl Child 23.05.2023
Wish I could give this ZREO stars. Insurance told me to go to this auto body. they had my SUV for almost a whole month. When I called for information on my SUV, I asked how much longer it would take, they gave me a rude answer on why its taking so long. they put blame on everyone else. The front desk ladies were helpful but unprofessional, making rude remarks on my insurance company. they called me on a May 18th Friday, at 10:46am to tell me the SUV is ready, with no consideration of my time. I was on my way to a work trip and wouldn't of made it back in time for the rental shop or the auto body shop as they close 4-5pm and it was the start of a long weekend everything would be closed until May 23rd 2023. luckily the rental shop was very understanding and helped me figure of my rental deadline. You know it would be nice if they gave me a heads up the day before. Now when I picked up my SUV as I was driving away all iI heard was a terrible scraping sound coming from underneath the SUV. I told them and they drove it and the took it in to the shop and looked underneath, they told me it was my back wheel bearing and showed me that the whole tire was shaky..... when I brought my SUV into the shop it was not making that noise and it wasn't shaking that like that AT ALL. Right way they tried to quote me on the wheel bearing and I wanted to talk to the manager, I did but like I said they put blame of everyone else, before I left I asked the manager if I crash because of this, is it your guys fault ? and he said no. No caring, no trust, nothing but disappointment. I hope someone reads this and makes a better choice.

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