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2730 23 St NE
T2E 8L2 Calgary

(403) 471-6622

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:30 AM - 06:30 PM
11:00 AM - 05:00 PM
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Hugely Dissapointed 26.10.2022
The worst and very disappointing experience I have ever had! Avoid this place like a plague! They took us for a ride (pardon the pun). Took the car back the day after we took it from the lot due to the white billowing smoke from the exhaust. Nas' mechanic did a piss poor patch job and gave us a car back after almost 4 weeks! when we took it back, the interior of the car smelled very bad of exhaust fumes to the point that we had to have windows down (October 2022!) with billowing white smoke still coming out! We took the car to the mechanic that specializes in European cars and after 15 minutes of inspections, told us the coolant was contaminated, the engine is almost busted as it shows being driven under great pressure and temperature, the gasket is busted and needs to be changed. He found the proof that the car was tried to be sold on auction and couldn't be sold (we all know the type of cars that are sold on auctions - they have big issues). When we took that car back the after, we specifically told them to look at the gasket which they never did because when my husband asked their mechanic whether he checked it or not, the mechanic turned to my husband and asked him "was I supposed to?" which shows us that all they wanted to do is to get rid of the car in such a bad shape and have somebody else deals with multiple issues. So much about their transparency and honesty! We were told that the dealership has 60 days of responsibility over the car which is a blatant lie; they have 90 days of responsibility. The mechanic gave us all the paperwork to give to Nas with options to leave the keys and have them fix the car at this certified mechanic NOT at their mechanic shop! OR to break the contract and have the money back. If neither works, we are to call AMVIC and file a complaint against them as they knew the state of the car and still sold it to us being fully aware of the issues that could have resulted in potential injury on the road. This car was supposed to be driven by me (female) with the kids as well! My husband is driving slowly (at the mechanic's advice) and I am very curious about how this saga will end. Having said all this, DO NOT SHOP at AUTOZONE for any type of car as they will give you a run-around with all their transparency and honesty!

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