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Charlie -koal 13.04.2023
Having taken over ROA payments for Sage Hill, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, C-Era has made payments more than difficult. You can pay online by credit card, for an additional "convenience fee". You can pay online with a banking account, if you can supply a 9 digit routing number, an American banking convention; Canadian banks use a 5 digit transit number. You can set up Pre-Authorized Debit, but only if you sign away your rights to your legally required ten days pre-notification before withdrawal. C-Era will not process said payments if you do not initial their "pre-notification advice waiver". You can pay by cheque by mail, paying for cheque, envelope, and postage. You can pay by debit, if you can take the time off work to go to their office Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. My bank has better hours. If we had any choice, we would never do business with these people.

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