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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
06:00 PM - 09:30 PM
06:00 PM - 09:30 PM
School Hours 8:25 - 3:08

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Recent reviews on Yably

ezL 29.01.2024
Full of down bad kids, fights every where in the school, people vape in the bathrooms. Harassment, etc.
Jenny Tran 04.03.2022
This school was just the WORST school I’ve ever been to. If I am being honest I would not recommend this school to anyone. The students are extremely disrespectful and I’ve experienced very racial comments from most of them. Most of them cause lots of fights and start unwanted drama. The teachers don’t do much about it sincerely they aren’t even teaching the students anymore. They give unnecessary assignments and everyday is so dreadful sitting in class as hours go by my mental health was so drained because of this school. I would cry so much everyday cause of this. Never have I ever felt so vulnerable and tired I was so trapped the school felt so boring and unwelcoming. It was the same thing everyday not to mention how the schedules were so unorganized. it was incredibly hard to know what classes I had next because it would change so frequently. The teachers don’t even grade assignments fairly it was impossible no matter how hard someone tried they would end up with a 2 claiming it was “grade level”. The insufficient amount of effort and the lack of interest these teachers have to teach in my opinion surprises me because I was here to learn and have a fun time in junior high. I wish that hopefully one day Ernest morrow will be the same again like it was back in the old days. As of now it’s not the same anymore everything changed significantly and it’s quite upsetting.
Jenny Tran 30.12.2021
I’ve been here for all of my junior high years. It ruined my whole experience and my mental health severely. The students that attend this school are not welcoming and I felt unsafe here students would start fights and you would always hear screaming in the hallways. The teachers were alright but the assignments and the work they give out is quite boring and not efficient I struggled badly in my 9th year due to this. I definitely felt very unhappy and my mental health was really bad I definitely would not recommend going here.

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