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635 Shawcliffe Gate SW
T2Y 1W1 Calgary

(403) 457-5009

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Ada Fellows 06.05.2022
Our family has been seeing Dr Odunzi for a few years now. At first she was a breath of fresh air. And to be honest I still really like her. I do feel like she takes her time and cares about her patients. She is often working late into the night, even making calls from home. Most times I do not feel rushed out of the room with her, and I feel like if I have an appointment of what is going on with my health she won't argue with me, but I cannot continue to come to this clinic. It has started to feel more like a business, and I am a customer. I don't know if front staff are over booking, but I always have to wait atleast an hour, sometimes 3. And even if one was to call in to see how far behind the doc is, it doesn't matter, you can't be marked as there unless you physically come into the office and check in. I understand some patients take more time than others, and I have deeply appreciated the extra time she has taken with me, but this wouldn't be an every time thing if that was all it was. It feels like the patients time is not as valuable as the health care professionals time. I was raised to be early for everything, that this shows respect, so I feel very frustrated when my time isn't viewed as important as the doctors. The front staff has changed so many times, not sure exactly why. I know the doc can sound abrupt sometimes with the staff. I have been patient with the waiting and the occasional rudeness of the front staff, and I have absolutely never complained, but I just can't be a 'customer' any longer.

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