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9212G Horton Rd SW
Bay G
T2V 2X4 Calgary

(403) 264-0135

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
07:00 AM - 04:00 PM
07:00 AM - 04:00 PM
07:00 AM - 04:00 PM
07:00 AM - 04:00 PM
07:00 AM - 04:00 PM

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Leon Cardinal 23.04.2023
Jim from Jeco Inc., hired me as an experienced spray man. He knew me but I did not remember him. Everything was going well and he was fast tracking me to days. He seems like a good businessman and I am a good and fair worker. I worked the first weekend then, the week and then the following week. We were getting along well. A few expected mistakes along the way, learning the shop but there were 'thank you' s, all the way around.
One evening, I got a sliver in the joint of my thumb. When you are working with wood in a shop and hustling, a sliver is common and men carry on. I did notice a bit of uncomfortableness so I coincidently mentioned it to his night supervisor. The next afternoon when I started my shift, I reported it to Jim as it was starting to really throb. I worked 11 hrs.that night. Jim said that I had 1 more shift, then I was off for 3 days. I agreed for many obvious reasons.
The next day my hand was swelling in other places so I got my brother to drive me to the emergency.
I never left the hospital for 5 1/2 days. I was in alot of pain! 2 surgeons did emergency surgery at 9 am the next morning. They had to carve up my wrist, thumb and pinky on my good hand. The head surgeon put in the report that if I had waited one more day, I would have died.
Jim fought it all the way. He accused me of lying about my hand and when WCB authorized my claim ( because I was telling the truth) he appealed that as well and lost. I never heard from Jim for in around 2 to months, when I contacted him . No condolences, no get well card and to me, very cold hearted reaction. I truly had a hard time to believe that any employer (human being) could be that brutal to someone who got hurt in their shop, when Richard and Jim were thanking me for my workmanship the day before it happened.
I have been around long enough to know that betrayal is a part of life and forgiveness is the key to moving on and so it will be.
On the other hand, I told WCB I would never go back to Jeco Inc., because their attitude toward this employee was arogant and ignorant. That is my experience and a cold heart can't be changed until God steps in.

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