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1-3640 61 Ave SE
T2C 2J3 Calgary

(403) 802-1456

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
07:00 AM - 04:00 PM
07:00 AM - 04:00 PM
07:00 AM - 04:00 PM
07:00 AM - 04:00 PM
07:00 AM - 04:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

Valerie McNevin 02.11.2023
Maintain Mechanical was called by the property mananement company for a hot water heater that was not functioning. They claim to have spent 7 hours and $320 on parts trying to repair the water heaters before recommending replacing the water heater. We received a bill for $1,428 for the repairs after they provided cost estimate for $4,400 for a new water heater but there may be additional charges for unseen costs. We quickly emailed an told them the quote was extremely high. We got two independent quotes and the water heater replaced for $2,100. Maintian Mechanical will not provide receipts for the parts used for $320 when asked. Truly a rip off company and if they are experts they should have asessed the situation a lot sooner for a new water heater. Their mission statement is far from the truth and I would NOT trust them for any work or even a quote.
Trudy 14.10.2023
I live in the Pinnacles condos IN the NW which apparently Maintain Mechanical does the service work on. I had a thermostat issue, the guy showed up and first thing he said was "good thing you caught me on the way home to Airdrie, because then I don't have to charge you for an after hours call". While here he asked if he could check something out as there were some issues with the pipes in this bldg. He took everything out of the bottom two shelves of my pantry to get to the pipes. That took the bulk of the time, the thermostat battery issue took like 5 minutes. I receive a bill for $299.78 which included an after-hours call for the amount of $220.00 for 1.5 hours of his time. Told my condo board I would not be paying them for the call based on the above, but they could have cared less, they paid it in full and withdrew from my bank account. With Boards like this and Service companies like this it's a ticket to print money! What happened to the good old honesty way of doing business?

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