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T2Z 5E1 Calgary

(587) 956-7470

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Vincent Benjamin 03.04.2023
I purchased a 2017 Red Jeep Wrangler Unlimited on January 19, 2023, from South Trail Nissan at 6603 130th Ave SE in Calgary Alberta.

On the day I purchase this Jeep Wrangler they conducted a Mechanical Fitness Assessment AMVIC Licence No. B2030317 which is valid until June 19th or 120 days. On this form they said to have inspected the vehicle, which specifically includes the following items:
1. Transmission
2. CV Joints
3. Front/Rear/Spindles Axles

There are many items that were checked, but several items above became issues a short time later. I took their word that all these items were properly checked, but I soon discovered they were not done properly.

On Mar 13, less than two months from the purchase date, I was having my Jeep checked for the A/C as it was making a large some of noises. Since my vehicle is a Jeep Wrangler I decided to take it to the South Trail Chrysler Jeep Dealership just down the road from Nissan to fix this problem. Since I was at this dealership I asked them to conduct a detailed check up for this vehicle as we are going on a long road trip in two weeks. They completed a report and found the following items outstanding.

1. Rear Axle Fluid was black and the fluid needed to be replaced.
2. Front Axle Seals starting to leak.
3. Transmission Output/Transfer Case Input Seal starting to leak.

Each of these items just did not start to leak only after less that 2 months of driving, I just do not believe that this to be true. Now I do not understand how Nissan Canada did not find these items when Chrysler/Jeep found these items very quickly and noted that these items needed attention.

On Thursday March 15th 2023 I dropped by the South Trail Nissan dealership in hopes of resolving this matter.

I can not explain the motivates of Nissan Canada other than to say that they wanted to make a quick sale and the probability that anyone would notice a few fluid leaks or a differential that needed changing was remote.

Now I can only image if these leaks continued and nothing was done? This would cause excess fluid loss and would cause severe damage to my transfer case, transmission and differential. So these small things do matter.

I then went to the Alberta Motor Vehicle Industry Council (AMVIC). They of course sided with the dealers, what one-sided organization they have turned out to be.

So it is now alright to falsify vehicle assessment reports as the dealer will protect each other and the consumer is left holding the bag.

I will “Never” deal or trust South Trail Nissan to do anything to my 2017 Jeep Wrangler ever again and I would recommend you not to trust them in any business dealings as well.

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