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Bronco Source: Cylex | 16.11.2023
Mt.7:1 KJV judge not or the judgement ye judge shall be to the merit you have accused..
I faced this said by the PASTOR at the time August 2014.. accused me of "bruning bridges!" is just an accuse to reject me with the personal diffences as subjected to his idea of labeling others is a indication of this church authority that causes a wall of mistrust.
I gave up my place and have faced significant homelessness in this statement of this churches pastor at the time. Why Spirit filled Christians leave the church is some question of a pastor using his authority to offend and judge others is a direction of fault. Jesus is the authority to judge others in that authority given by God that this pastor has taken and twisted it to use against weak members of his church

One can discern a good pastor from one that is not by this who use it to their personal gain. Their inexperience offends not only the person they find fault with but also the authority of the church thru the Holy Spirit. In other words he judges himself against God. This has tremendous consequences for that church leadship and can recognize this as not a teaching of Jesus who excepts to love everyone as they are...
To believe you are loved by such a church in this idea of accusing others for the benefit of personal ...can understand why I cannot be here and I'm not accepted for who I am..

Would Jesus accuse me of what some pastor believes he should find fault? It is not worth my time to give any energy in a church that does this. I'm accepted and loved by many for who I am. An experience like this I have no time for is why I am not here.

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