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33 Main St
N1R 1V6 Cambridge

(226) 566-9701

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Miranda Marie 20.10.2022
Difficult planning, back and forth with ordering and delivery, people within the business were saying two different things, planning for delivery was horrible, customer service was extremely unprofessional and to top it all, the $5 cupcakes looked nothing like the website. AVOID!

I decided to order a dozen cupcakes for the g-free/dairy free guests at my wedding. When I called, they told me I had to order through the website. I ordered through the website and put a note about the situation. I did not hear back for a few days and so I followed up. They said they were getting through the Thanksgiving rush and that they would respond after they got through that (which I can totally appreciate). I did not hear back and so I made a follow up call on the Wednesday after thanksgiving which was TWO days before my wedding. I wanted to ask about the delivery time because the 13 ish hour spread that they had initially said was very difficult to plan with the events of a wedding. They had said that the only time they could deliver was 9 am at the venue. Unfortunately the venue was not going to be open until 10 so I asked to have it delivered at the hotel where we were getting ready. On the morning of my wedding, someone called me just after 8 am saying the cupcakes would be there “shortly”. I asked him what shortly meant and he said about 10 ish minutes. I asked him if it was possible yo call when they arrive so that I could send either myself or someone else down to grab them as we were all occupied getting ready with hair and make up. Immediately after I asked this, the unprofessionalism kicked in. The man had said that this was “getting ridiculous” which I then followed up an “excuse me” because I was so thrown off. He then raised his voice at me over the phone and said, “EXCUSE ME!? DO YOU WANT ME TO CANCEL THIS ORDER!?” At the point I was so close to. He made me cry on the morning of my wedding, an already stressful time. Complete lack of professionalism to try to work something out. He said that if he had known about this online order, he wouldn’t have taken it. I called ahead of time to ask questions to try to avoid all this and all they said was that I had to place my order online.

After all this, we had the cupcakes and I thought we were all good to go. I then saw them out on the sweets table and was so disappointed. These cupcakes were $5 each and looked like little muffins. So disappointed in this whole process from start to finish. Most of all, I am so thrown off and upset at the customer service.

Avoid at all costs - it’s just not worth it at all.

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