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128-610 Wright Ave
B3B 0H8 Dartmouth
Nova Scotia


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Recent reviews on Yably

john hollis 09.10.2023
Our consultant Will Merrett assessed our needs and examined our electric panel. Because all the slots in the panel were full, he suggested they would use mini breakers to provide enough room in our panel for the heat pump and still maintain power to our electric heaters. On the install day there were not enough mini breakers on the truck to power the heat pumps so we decided to remove a breaker powering the electric heater in the back bedroom in order for them to get the new heat pump up and running. Unfortunately the back bedroom we removed the electric heat from is too far away from the heat pump to provide sufficient heat. I also questioned the upstairs unit that the installers decided to let drain on the lower roof rather than run the drain to the main unit where it could drain on the gravel. I was told the condensation would "evaporate" on the roof . Well it did not. Instead it pours down my wood siding and puddles on my wood deck all summer long and is beginning to rot the deck. I emailed the consultant who forwarded my concerns to the office. After a month without being contacted, I called the office and was told a service tech would be in touch the next day. Another month passed and I called again and was told a service tech would be in touch soon. Three months later I tried reaching out again and have yet to receive a call back. Decent install, decent product but zero service. I would recommend anyone else if you expect any service after the sale.
Barbara keylor 22.11.2022
Very good
I received a call from a kind gentleman named Mike in response to concern about one of two heat pumps I have. He was very friendly and efficient, made arrangements for a repairman to attend.
Mike explained the charge for the service call to my complete satisfaction.
Had my heat pumps installed in 2019 by this company and am very pleased with the product and the employees I have dealt with.

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