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Hours set on 26/08/2023
06:00 AM - 00:00 AM
06:00 AM - 00:00 AM
06:00 AM - 00:00 AM
06:00 AM - 00:00 AM
06:00 AM - 00:00 AM
06:00 AM - 00:00 AM
06:00 AM - 00:00 AM

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Patrick William Rich Source: Cylex | 03.11.2014
Very good
Indoor PlayPlace :) I think all locations of McDonald's should have an indoor PlayPlace because a lot of people and I love McDonald's PlayPlaces. Most locations of McDonald's do have an indoor PlayPlace now a days. Most McDonald's PlayPlaces are indoor have the bouncing up and down letters in their sign which a lot of people and I love, cool, colorful, and modern now a days. Most modern locations of McDonald's do have a PlayPlace. Most McDonald's buildings without a PlayPlace are getting an indoor PlayPlace added. Indoor McDonald's PlayPlaces are more cleaner, safe, and modern than the outdoor ones. Indoor McDonald's PlayPlaces have more cool stuff like basketball, video games and air hockey while the outdoor ones only have the play equipment. All McDonald's buildings with an indoor PlayPlace are the best McDonald's buildings in the world so there for I think all McDonald's buildings should have an indoor PlayPlace so kids can play at McDonald's during severe wheather, and hot wheather indoor safe and sound. Indoor PlayPlaces are my most favorite part of McDonald's buildings. Most people and I love indoor McDonald's PlayPlaces because indoor McDonald's PlayPlaces are more clean, safe, and modern than the outdoor ones. The indoor McDonald's PlayPlaces are very popular, common, cool, and modern.

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