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1167 Woodbine Ave, Suite 2
M4C 4C6 East York


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A BC 18.07.2023
Their installers lacked proper training, resulting in various problems with the AC units over the years, including falling units, condensation issues, and extensive wall damage. Accuserv only provided temporary fixes instead of addressing the root cause. Despite having warranty, they refuse to service properly and expect me to bear future expenses. I chose Accuserv based on good reviews and warranty, but their professionalism didn't match their 5 star façade. Buyer beware!
Accuserv informed me via email, they are dropping me as a client due to my "unrealistic expectations". Accuserv installed a brand new AC/HVAC 4 years ago. Unfortunately the installers assigned to my project lacked proper training and expertise.
From the onset, there were problems with the install and performance of the AC’s. Issues included AC head unit falling off the wall, improper insulation causing condensation, no peat traps installed, no heat in the winters, multiple head units leaking water that resulted in extensive wall damage.
On one occasion, they dislodged a drain tube behind the wall that resulted in extensive water damage, where I had to replace drywall, insulation and paint. I have incurred thousands of dollars in expenses as a result of Accuserv’s problematic install. Over the years, they have tried to mitigate these problems with temporary fixes, always coming for a service call, yet failing to address the root cause of the issue - their incompetent installation behind the walls! I have asked them to reinstall it properly but they refuse and opted for quick fixes instead, until today.
I have diligently followed Accuserv’s maintenance schedule recommendation since the onset. Shortly after the last cleaning, the AC unit heads were again leaking greasy grime and condensation was dripping down the grills. A service call was promptly followed by an email from Accuserv that states the following:
“It is with regret that we have decided to discontinue our services due to the difficulties we have encountered in what we deem are unrealistic expectations. We understand that the system we installed is still under warranty, and we want to make sure you know that we take full responsibility for any legitimate issues that may arise during this period. To ensure that any potential issues are resolved, we propose the following course of action: if you encounter a problem with the system, we ask that you engage a third-party technician to assess the situation and determine the cause. If the third-party technician concludes that the problem is related to our installation, we would be open to discussing the possibility of reimbursing you for the expenses incurred in having the other technician fix the issue.”
According to Accuserv, having a problem free installation is an ‘’unrealistic expectation that installations should not damage my property’ and I have to incur expenses for any future issues with the AC, despite the fact that I have an 8 year warranty remaining.
I chose Accuserv due to 5 star reviews and warranty. If I was going to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a AC/HVAC install, I wanted someone reliable, and knowledgeable. A company that takes responsibility and stands by their work. The 12 year no lemon warranty seemed to provide the security I needed to trust the installation to Accuserv. I did not want to cut corners and pay the price later. Yet, despite all this, I have been paying the price dearly by choosing this company. Accuserv presents a pristine professional façade and I was fooled. Buyer Beware. Look at the pictures, not at the stars !!!

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