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947 O'Connor Dr
M4B 2S7 East York

(416) 755-0151

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:30 AM - 07:00 PM
08:30 AM - 07:00 PM
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
08:30 AM - 02:00 PM
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Sora Amano 08.02.2023
Stay away if you care about your teeth! Your teeth is something you live with life long and you don't want to take the risk with this dentist.

Please be very careful when choosing your dentist. If you do end up using this dentist, please make sure to finalize your bill or he may call you back at a later date telling you that something was not paid for like an x-ray or consultation fee.

Also, if you ever wonder why you always have a cavity when you go see him, well the reason is because you actually do not or you have what is known as "microcavities". Micro cavities are the early stages of decay and in some cases can be reversed at this stage without drilling holes in your tooth.

Most professional dentist would not drill holes in cases of micro cavities, but this dentist will do anything it takes to ensure more money in his pocket.

Please get a second opinion before getting anything done.

Why take the risk when you can go for a dentist who actually cares for you? Many options and "Mr." Magder is not a risk you should take.
Nicholas Macdonald 16.02.2022
I went to him for years as a child. I found out he was filling "small cavities" that after going for a second opinion didn't need to be filled. Look at other reviews and you will find similar experiences. He ended up breaking a blood vessel in my mouth that caused a major bleed with severe complications. That's what caused me to see another dentist. I don't know how many fillings he gave me that were not needed.
Lorvix Mergan Sixgexgi Source: Cylex | 31.07.2015
Very good
I have had a phobia of dentist all my life. Going to the dentist is terrifying to me until I met Dr.Earl Magder about 8 years ago. He is the only dentist that I have returned to after a first visit. I have had root canals, pulled teeth and fillings by Dr.Magder and although no body enjoys going to the dentist he has made my experience much more bare able. He is very gentle and professional and once you hear him humm you know everything is going to be okay. Thank you Dr.Magner and staff for always taking good care of me and for being an amazing dentist. Tammy

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