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10060 Jasper Avenue, Tower 1, Suite 2020
T5J 3R8 Edmonton

(587) 405-1239

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
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Recent reviews on Yably

Abdul Syed Singh Source: Cylex | 13.10.2022
Very good
They were consistently pleasant despite some very challenging logistics and weather conditions, as well as totally professional and respectful of me, the two properties and my belongings. The men worked so hard and the price was also quite reasonable, considering all things they had to go through - heavy rain, mud and ice and shuttling my stuff in smaller trucks to the tractor trailers that were too large to come to either house. They basically had to move everything twice on both ends of the move! The sales rep took the time to look at both addressed and provided shuttle trucks at both sides. Packing was done the day before and loading and shuttle was the following day. Courtney was great to deal with and was great in responding by email and text.
Frank Berry Source: Cylex | 29.09.2022
Very good
Great experience from this company. Canadian National was recommended to me by my co-worker who also recently moved from Winnipeg to the Hamilton area. We dealt with Courtney and we were happy with the outcome. The move took about 3 weeks all in and we were happy to receive the call that our stuff came shortly after we arrived. They did add some packing charges (mattress covers) to the billing which I got to keep. The truck that did the pick up was very large in Winnipeg so there was some long carry that had to be done, but the crew did have to talk everything across a busy street which is understandable. All in all, great service and I would use them again of course.
Yrinda Weeks Source: Cylex | 08.09.2022
Very good
We recently relocated from Three Hills AB to Toronto. Very big move for us as we have never moved long distance before and we grew up in Alberta. Courtney was great to deal with and was very responsive. The shipment took about 2.5 weeks to arrive but that was ok as we were waiting for our rental unit to be painted. I was overall very happy with the service from start to finish.

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