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7505 75 St NW
T6C 4H8 Edmonton

(780) 462-7575

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

kuldip khuman 04.09.2022
Worst service ever had
Morgan Lidkea 20.07.2022
If I could give zero stars I would. I just received my brand new Mach 1 Mustang. Over the last year and a half the customer service that I have received has been the worst I could have possibly imagined. Through the buying process I have filed complaints with Ford and with AMVIC. I could write paragraphs about how bad this experience has been and I have in the numerous emails that I have had to write.

Long story short, this dealership will make sure that they get as much of your money as they possibly can. In my case it was forced packages for things that were way more expensive than you could get elsewhere and that I told them I did not want. I was told numerous times that the car I ordered from the factory was not in fact mine and they didn’t have to sell it to me. When It was finally time to pick up the car I thought everything looked great. When I got home and really looked at my car there were little swirls like spiderwebs running all over it. Of course I had already signed off and they made very sure to write on the paper that the car was perfect. Obviously when I messaged my sales guy and told him, there was no response. So this will be another thing I have to pay for to get buffed out somewhere else.

If you feel the need to buy a vehicle here and they ask you to sign something urgently, make sure you are a million percent sure you know what is going on. I made the mistake of assuming that they would be competent at their jobs and the car looked good from a distance. Now I have fine swirl marks in the brand new paint of my brand new car. I washed my previous mustang once a week for seven years and never had that happen.

If you value your money and want to buy a Ford, go somewhere else. Except Waterloo Ford. I think the same management group owns that one too. This place is a joke.

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