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7505 104 St NW
T6E 4C1 Edmonton

(780) 362-0020


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KamilaS SMAROWSKI 29.11.2023
So I have gotten tattoos here before but my last experience was not what I was expecting. I had messaged Sara about getting a cover up done. I sent her photos and asked if she could cover it with a black and white rose. She said it would be fine. I also mentioned that it did not have to be a rose. I told her whatever flower that would cover it best so I could have the best outcome. She told me a rose would be good. As she started the tattoo she had a bunch of interruptions during my session. A fellow came in to quote her on some construction for her new shop, she was dealing with some issues with an apprentice and some other things so there was a lot of walking away and coming back. I feel like she had a lot going on. As she continued with my tattoo she told me she couldn’t do the black and white and would need to add color. Again I wanted the best outcome so I went along with her ideas. When I first seen it I was surprised because it looked nothing like the other roses I have seen her do (even on some of her other coverups that I have seen) on others, but I thanked her and paid and thought I will see how it heals. Once it healed I noticed the lines were not great and some of the petals looked odd. Anyone who looks at it says it needs to be fixed. So I messaged her and asked if we can fix it. Especially the area I had circled in the healed photo I had sent her. She just responded with I’ll see what I can do. I also asked if getting a laser session done to lighten it up would help fix it properly. She said she didn’t know and asked where I was thinking of going to get it lasered. I told her I was not sure and asked if she could recommend a place. After that email I never heard back. After I sent the photo of the healed piece I feel like she was just trying to blow me off and not work with me to try and fix it. It’s really disappointing as I do like her work and I understand that sometimes things don’t always work out. I just feel like I got the bad end of the stick because she was not very responsive about fixing it. So now I will have to try and remove it and look for a new artist that is willing to re work it for me. This experience just makes me not want to get anymore tattoos.

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