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550 Clareview Rd NW #180
T5A 4H2 Edmonton

(780) 473-7665

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM

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Muno Osman 23.04.2023
I have never written a negtive review in my life and treat service people as best as humanly possible. However, this feels like something i have to do. This place terrible, unsanitry and has rude staff.
Here is the worst of what I exprienced;
1. I went in twice and noticed that the sheets were stainrd both times. ( worse the second time).
2. Massage therapist opened the door with out knocking on both days. I was still undressing the first time. I was more prepared second time. No apology.
3. I asked for a towel to cover the stained sheets. Massage therapist said "Towells are the same." And "if it is like that it is like that because i don't clean this place." Towels were indeed dirty too. (See attached picture)
4. Clearly, she was upset at my comment even though is spoke to her as kindly and as politley as I could. She started with a one-hand no effort massage even though her massage was great on first day. I asked if she could go deeper and she switched to litterally pushing her fist through my body in such a brutal way. I stopped the massage.
5. Manager was dissmissive and didn't want to hear about my exprience. She told to "go somewhere else if i didn't like the exprience." She also argued that oil stains and brown is hard to get out and it is not their fault because they don't use harsh chemicals.

I plan on calling the owner on Monday and even Alberta health services if i have to.

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