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Recent reviews on Yably

Kari runyon 24.10.2022
I myself am a health care professional and am severely disappointed in dr wong and his practice at medicine. I saw doctor wong for a rare anomaly of recurrent symptoms which are linked to my menses. I explained to him I do not take birth control because it has made me suicidal in the past. I told him I have adhd, bipolar 2, borderline personality disorder and ocd and I am currently untreated due to high costs and no coverage. I also told doctor wong I was concerned that these symptoms im having could be linked to a deeper autoimmune disorder and/or hormonal disorder. He ignored my concerns even though he was told my immediate family has had various auto immune disorders that has killed them. My mom died before age 50 from auto immune disorders my dad has had cancer twice and my mom also had hormonal disorders but to my surprise dr wong sent me for ZERO testing. In fact he used ZERO assessment or scientific process to determine why I am having severe symptoms linked to my menses. Instead of having me properly tested he bandaided my concerns with birth control prescriptions. A medication that previously sent me to the emergency room. I have been suicidal now for the past week, on top of that the symptoms that the medication was supposed to help have been made the worst I’ve seen in 6 years. I find using “guess and check” in regards to healthcare treatment to be reckless. I also am still unsure if I have a deeper health issue because dr wong never validated my concerns or heard me. I myself am a health care professional and I would never apply prescription without first assessing a human. I find Dr wong took no time to validate my concerns, he took no effort to test me for possible high risk illnesses that I most likely have according to current research. I feel dismissed, and I feel for him to put someone on medication when he knows they are mentally disabled and have had the most dangerous of symptoms previously is both UNETHICAL & RECKLESS. I have been on suicide prevention plans for 3 days. All because a doctor thought his expert opinion was better than using actual science and labs to get me the healthcare I have a right to in Canada. I feel he has breached my rights as a Canadian citizen and abused his power as a doctor. I would never recommend this doctor if you are assigned female at birth and someone who desires to be heard by your OBGYN.
Kari runyon 24.10.2022

I saw doctor wong for a rare anomaly of recurrent symptoms which are linked to my menses. I explained to him I do not take birth control because it has made me suicidal in the past. I told him I have adhd, bipolar 2, borderline personality disorder and ocd and I am currently untreated due to high costs and no coverage. I also told doctor wong I was concerned that these symptoms im having could be linked to a deeper autoimmune disorder and/or hormonal disorder. He ignored my concerns even though he was told my immediate family has had various auto immune disorders that has killed them. My mom died before age 50 from auto immune disorders my dad has had cancer twice and my mom also had hormonal disorders and yet dr wong sent me for ZERO testing. In fact he used ZERO assessment or scientific process to determine why I am having severe symptoms linked to my menses. Instead of having me properly tested he bandaided my concerns with birth control prescriptions. A medication that previously sent me to the emergency room. I have been suicidal for the past week, on top of that the symptoms that the medication was supposed to help have been made the worst I’ve seen in 6 years. I also am still unsure if I have a deeper health issue because dr wong never validated my concerns or heard me. I myself am a health care professional and I would never apply prescription without first assessing a human. I find Dr wong took no time to validate my concerns, he took no effort to test me for possible high risk illnesses that I most likely have according to current research. I feel dismissed, and I feel for him to put someone on medication when they are mentally disabled and have had the most dangerous of symptoms previously is both UNETHICAL & RECKLESS. I have been on suicide prevention plans for 3 days. All because a doctor thought his expert opinion was better than using actual science and labs to get me the healthcare I have a right to. I would never recommend this doctor if you are a female who desires to be heard by your OBGYN

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