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3480 Joseph Howe Dr., Suite 301
B3L 4H7 Halifax
Nova Scotia

(902) 442-9720

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
07:30 AM - 04:30 PM
07:30 AM - 04:30 PM
07:30 AM - 04:30 PM
07:30 AM - 04:30 PM
07:30 AM - 04:30 PM

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Ntwali Dominique 29.09.2022
I had surgery on Tuesday September 13th 2022. They extracted 4 wisdom teeth. The surgery went well. 3 days later, I was still swollen and in a lot of pain. I couldn't swallow anything (even pills)without feeling tremendous pain. Turns out I had an infection and they only found out the next monday, 6 days later! I had been in contact with the clinic before to let them know about my pain and this is exactly what the lady on the phone told me :"it is normal for you to still be feeling pain. Do you have the template? Refer to it" this went on for 3 days straight, the next 2 were a weekend and they were closed.
Fast forward I ended up being admitted in Victoria general hospital and I had to undergo another surgery, incision and drainage. I spent 4 days in the hospital with a tube in my neck to drain the fluids caused by the infection.
This was the worst medical experience in my whole life. I'm still recovering and yet to go back to work. God knows how much money and time I lost through this whole process, in fact I would sue if I had the resources. I had decided to let it go but I never want this to happen to anybody else and hopefully this review will cause the clinic to re-evaluate how they treat their patients.

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