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Contact info

1 Ashdale Ave
B3N 2C7 Halifax
Nova Scotia

(902) 446-3799

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
11:00 AM - 10:00 PM
11:00 AM - 11:00 PM
11:00 AM - 11:00 PM
11:00 AM - 11:00 PM
06:00 PM - 10:00 PM
11:00 AM - 10:00 PM
11:00 AM - 10:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Lauren Gray 26.01.2022
unprofessional. owner treats staff like trash, can't even pay them. don't give this shop your money because the artist won't see it. The artist that caused the standoff at the old location is constantly being brought back in to give tattoos. Drugs are being done, people are smoking in the place. Also no heat or even usable washroom.

Reply from Slingin iNK 902 Tattoo Shop


In reply to by laurengray

Yes it was unfortunate that her pay fell on a govt banking holiday but did she get paid the very next day as soon as the funds were released? Yes she did at the same time of day they would have the previous day had it not been Christmas Day and New Year’s Day that had caused the banks to not be open that following Monday ! Writing a bad review over a disgruntled ex employee ? Really ? And the no heat ? Well while we were replacing the main furnace there were plenty of electric heaters going and I have a 1500$ power bill this cycle that tells it so . And as for the washroom .well the sewer system was being replaced outside for 2 months straight.the whole street was being dug up daily (reference work done on ashdale ave on Halifax water website)that hit our main line causing it to fire back then needing to be completely replaced…btw ..this all happened the same week as needing to replace the furnace all at my own expense and a serious lack of a flushing toilet for a couple days my apologies.. now back to your sister and our ex employee.., if she never got paid for working here Daily for almost 8 months then she is definitely going to have some explaning to do to the CRA on her taxes that are due very soon as she made over 10000 during those 8 months and has to pay taxes on it in case she forgets have a great day

Chris S 18.10.2021
Very good
It was my first tattoo and it was a positive experience. My artist was quick, efficient and patient with my nervous chatter. The experience was great and it was comforting to see her open a fresh needle and put it on in front of me. She was great and I love how the tattoo looks! I can’t wait to get it filled in!!

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