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905 524 2464

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09:30 AM - 05:00 PM
09:30 AM - 05:00 PM
09:30 AM - 05:00 PM
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Recent reviews on Yably

Heather Tessier 30.07.2022
I've had a credit card with them for about 5 years with minimal issues. I recently decided to consolidate all of my financial accounts to one bank and, based on my credit card experiences, figured I would go here. I filled out the online application and got an email saying they would be in touch within a few days. 2 weeks later I decided to call and follow up as I hadn't heard anything (I know, that should have been the first and only clue). After about an hour and a half of holds and transfers I get an in-branch agent who tells me that I need to make an appointment with a branch that is a 2-hour round trip from me. Apparently, even though they have every piece of financial info that they need to make a decision, my ability to produce a drivers license and sign my name is the make or break factor. When I asked if they could review the financials and tell me if it was a go before I took a day off work and drove 5 cities over so as not to waste my time if I was declined on info they already have on hand, I was told NO!!!! I had to come in and show a drivers license or passport before they could make a decision. Not tax records verifying income. Not a paystub to show employment. Not utility/ rent receipts to prove Canadian address. One piece of government issued photo ID and a signature. Then she tells me....this part is just funny...that after opening an account, a debit card will likely not be issued to the account until several direct deposits from primary income source are received by them and that it typically takes 3 MONTHS of account observation before a decision to issue one can/will be made. Yes, you read that right, 3 MONTHS FOR A DEBIT CARD ON A NEW ACCOUNT!!!! And better yet, if I decided that I needed cash badly enough to take another day off work and make another hour each way drive, my in-branch withdrawl limits would be capped as a new customer for "account security". Even though all funds in the account would have been from direct deposit sources made by either large company or government deposits. When I pointed out that my credit rating is excellent and they have already issued me a credit card with a limit several times my monthly salary I was told too bad, so sad...just in more professional and condescending phrasing. How do they possibly bring in new clients????

As a side note..I found a different bank to transfer everything to. Even though I started the process at 11pm, I had new checking & savings accounts and a new credit card in under 40 minutes from a bank whom I've never worked with before. ​Completely, done online, at home, in my pajamas

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