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Contact info

1490 Barton Street East
L8H 2X2 Hamilton

(905) 545-3875

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24

Recent reviews on Yably

Dina ram 01.04.2023
The patrons are decent, the bartender Carly is phenomenal and goes above and beyond and deserves a pay raise. The Karaoke Dj is great. My issues are with the owner as he is the cheapest man to the point it is actually disgusting. I say this because the female washrooms stalls( two stalls) which are located down stairs in the basement do not have locks on the stall doors to maintain privacy anyone could just open them up , and also the stalls always nearly out of toilet paper or complete out as well as the paper towels and when replacements were requested of “Frank” aka Jung Sun Nam the owner , he replaced the paper towel dispenser with a pre used less than half full paper towel roll, later in the evening when he was asked to replenish the toilet paper in the women’s washrooms ,he was adamant that there was plenty ,when there was not and then proceeded to tell the lady who asked for replacement of toilet paper to go into the male washrooms and take one from there that it’s ok no body is in there which he could not confirm for sure, all the while the bartender was attending to a very intoxicated lady vomiting in the ladies washroom ,Frank even had the audacity to say he has to do his job and Carly was ok with the intoxicated lady , and when checking on bartender she asked me to get him to come down so she can either have him close off and do the counts ect and she would see to the well being of the lady that was sick or he could take over and she would close off and do her counts and clean up ect. The man didn’t even bring down a mop with bucket to help clean the mess of the vomit. Also upon arrival at the beginning of the night the section between the two glass doors was dark as the light bulb was shut off on purpose, very dangerous because the ground isn’t level and people have to step up or down when leaving or entering and without the light could have an injury . Some of the ladies patrons had to ask another tall male patron to reach up and turn it on. To be honest I don’t know who was the inspector at his last inspection this past February 2023 that gave him the pass as some of these issues could very easily be resolved by going to the local dollar store to purchase a couple of latches, heck they sell toilet paper and paper towels as well.

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