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Andrew Metcalfe 18.05.2023
I had a basic sceptic tank cleaning done and I have some major concerns with the service from the actual service to dealing with their sales manager.

Here is where the issues I had with his story:

1. The concrete has fallen outward, which indicates it has been hit while replacing the lid.

2. The breaks in the concrete are brand new and that is indicated by the color and discoloration and the size of the damaged pieces. In addition, there is no evidence of erosion or rust in the broken pieces or where the break occurred.

3. If there was a concern with the property/tank I would think the person providing service would have said something prior to providing service. However, the person providing service only mentioned after he had cleaned up and put away the drainage hose.

4. I had just inspected it the day before and there was no evidence of damage. In addition, I had someone else cut my grass two days before King’s service and they mowed around the tank and there wasn’t and crumbling or damage. This will teach me a lesson to take pictures before a service like this is provided.

Now after leaving a message and an email to Kings I received a call back from their sales manager the next day. Which I had to admit was nice to receive communication in a prompt manner. However, the manager raised some serious red flags in how Kings conduct business.

1. Flat out refused to take any responsibility for the damage Kings caused. Refused to even acknowledge it as a possibility.

2. On the phone he said that he was looking at the same pictures that their serviceman had taken before completing the job that day. I sked him how this was possible, and he said the serviceman “went to your house TODAY and took pictures before performing the service.” When I told him that was impossible as the service had happened the day before he completely backtracked, mumbled something incomprehensible and then said “oh ya, these pictures were sent yesterday and I’m just looking at them now.”

3. The manager then proceeded to tell me that there was evidence of rust on the damaged concrete, which if you look at the pictures there is not. Here’s a big red flag in their business practice: the manager then said he and his company have had to fix these collars a lot and they see a lot of the same thing. This statement makes me wonder if they “accidently” break collars and then charge their customers to fix them if it happens so much.

4. During my conversation with the manager, I asked how a service can be performed when they find damage before performing the service. He then said that they would use this situation for learning and growth and change their policies. Then went on to say that a company should always do that and when he worked in a mechanic shop that’s always what he used to do: contact customers of any damage they find before doing any work. It blew my mind that he used to do that and now he will start doing it again. Very sketchy.

5. Next big red flag into their business practice is that the manger finally said he would compromise with me after a lot of back and forth. Here’s his compromise: Kings would come and replace the collar with a used one they had lying around their yard. However, they would charge me 650$ plus tax to do it. After a bit more back and forth we agreed on 500$ plus taxes and the work would take place in about two weeks. The manager kept on telling me he was charging me “pennies on the dollar” and no other company would do it for less than 1500-2000$. While I agreed to this compromise at first because I didn’t know the price or anything I did some research and contacted some of their competitors. I now have Gee Tee Holdings coming to replace the collar with a brand new one for approximately 400$.

6. I informed the manager of how much his competitor’s charge and gave them one business day to fix this, and I got ghosted.

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