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Contact info

1235 Deerhurst Drive
P1H 2E8 Huntsville

(705) 789-6411

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24

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Recent reviews on Yably

Kelly Bausch 11.12.2022
I have decided to write a review of Deerhurst Resort after being a timeshare owner at the resort since 1987. This used to be the jewel of Muskoka and our family enjoyed many happy and special memories of Deerhurst with service and amenities beyond your expectations.
It had all of the gorgeous traditions that the Waterhouse family envisioned for a lovely retreat from the city.
HOWEVER, since then, the resort has been passed around by many different owners, both national and international, and the upkeep of Deerhurst has been deplorable. We pay thousands of dollars in maintenance fees, divided by many owners AND YET, we have seen very little of our investment back. The owners of Deerhurst evade us in providing its timeshare owners with a capital reserve fund update, we suspect, because they do not want us to see how much money they are sitting on that we need to have to fix the units. NO ONE would want to book and rent these places with these conditions! We have the same washer and dryer since 1987. We have wallpaper literally falling off of the walls. The carpets are stained. The hot tub no longer works properly. The bathroom fans do not work properly. THERE IS NOT EVEN PROPER TECHNOLOGY to stream on the severely outdated television sets. The furniture is outdated, poor, cheap quality and uncomfortable as hell. The dining chairs are all sticky and 30+ years old.
WHERE HAS THE MONEY GONE, Deerhurst! The beaches are dirty and the food at the restaurants is poorly made, given the price you have to pay. We have a great family friend whose daughter worked at the Eclipse restaurant and the stories we heard were not good!
We have reached out to the Timeshare Management team many times who have given us sympathies but nothing is done and we feel our requests have gone ignored.
In total, our family has probably invested over $100,000 into this timeshare and over the years, have recommended this resort to hundreds of people.
Please bring this resort and our timeshare units to the condition that is worthy of a 5 star resort.
AnnyC Source: Cylex | 21.04.2010
It is a luxury inn where you truly worth to stay. Is visited by many people from other countries and which require a high quality accommodation.

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