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671 Athabasca Street West
V2H 1C5 Kamloops
British Columbia

+1 250-374-6281

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24

Recent reviews on Yably

Kyle Ferguson 23.12.2022
I've never dealt with a worse company in their busy season then this towing company. When called and asked for a tow after trying to jump my dead battery I was told they would call us back when could get around to it with no further instruction. when finally able to get around to us next day they called us telling us they had a truck. We were busy at moment so then had to wait again no problem so far then I get a call from tow truck driver asking me to meet him at vehicle I asked couldn't he just tow it and he said would like the keys I said I have 3 young children sleeping let me see if I can meet you up there in the 15 min he asked for me drop keys off i said my wife is at work and probably not good for me to leave them to long .( Why we weren't asked to leave keys locked in truck to begin with idk usually in my experience if they have to have keys to do job they ask you to do that) Anyways woke oldest kid up to watch Littles and raced up there thinking I would only be gone 20 minutes to drop off keys keep in mind I'm by myself. Get up there to have him ask me what going on with it I said probably battery dead Idk old truck tried jumping last night didn't work need it towed home now he said ohh well maybe your car didn't have enough power to jump it let me see what I can do. I said I don't see what that's going to help like if you want to sure but I need to get going to my kids at home and cant drive two vehicles so i need a tow then he went on well lets just try asked me to help put cables on we jumped it once it was started he unhooked cables packed up went and jumped in his truck writing me a bill for a jump I asked him what this was for I asked for a tow. He said well they were really busy and he just stopped to give me a jump becuase he was supposed to be at another job I explained to him I couldn't leave truck running there as it low on gas and if battery is fully dead if I shut it off I'll be in same place as I was before so this is why I asked for a tow. He then looked at me while sitting in his truck and said I see what you mean well best of luck with that how'd you like to pay. I then said to him so your telling me to go drive around and find somebody to drive my truck home and leave it running till I can find somebody to drive my truck and watch my kids said well you gotta do what you gotta do. Then started asking me if I could run to store quickly to pay this in cash as his debit machine wasn't working I said no my kids are at home by themselves I showed up to drop off keys he looked at me and said so no you can't grab cash I said i need to go ill swing by your office and pay for the service that I didn't get. So long story my truck ran unlocked in the parking lot till it ran out of gas becuase I couldnt find anybody that could help me, my battery still died and I still ended up having to go up with my own charger jump the vehicle and put gas in order to get home. I told him I would come in and pay once I got my truck was home and just after I got my truck home after running around all day from them just leaving me there the tow truck driver calls me asking why I haven't gone and paid yet well becuase im on my way to pick my kids up from sitters becuase you decided to abandone me there with a running truck you suggested I shouldn't turn off. Anyways when made complaint at office when paying she tells me that he said I said completely diffrent to him and that he offered me a tow but I said no. ??? Seriously unless I can morph into two people why would I say no when im by myself I even said to him I didn't want to leave the truck there any longer. So If make a complaint of horrible service your going to be told your a lier just in a polite fashion and that they are sorry and to still pay them for their lack of ability to show up and do the job they were asked to do this is legitimately the worst experience I've ever had with any company in my life highly un suggested to use this company

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