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300 Mt Paul Way
V2H 1A6 Kamloops
British Columbia

(250) 574-2277

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Derrick Henderson 30.10.2023
MIKE AND RACHEL RIPPED ME OFF! I purchased a little car from them for ten grand, found out it was only worth five, I was told it had nothing wrong with it. Immediately I discovered the A/C didn't work, needed a new compressor, several hundred dollars so I couldn't afford it, I gave them all the money that I had saved for 17 years for this car, they knew that and sold it to me anyways, took every dime I had. Then I noticed the turbo kicked in and out, they wouldn't fix it and it stopped working altogether. I was quoted over $3000 for a new turbo. Then the waterpump started leaking, got it checked, had a crack in it. Have to change the cambelt with it and all the other components came to $2200. This entire time the transmission was slipping in 3rd gear, it started slipping so badly it would scare people when it made terrible noises trying to take off in 1st. I'm not sure the cost of a new clutch or transmission, but I was told it would be thousands. On top of this I had VW take a look at it and they said the oil regulator was going, another $5000 to replace it. I tried to sell it back to KWA, and every other car dealer in town for $3000. Nobody would touch it and KWA certainly wasn't going to pay several thousand dollars for all the repairs. I put $1400 into the car. Ultimately I lost $8400 selling this car for $3000 to a fellow who was going to fix it himself. They don't care, in fact when I threatened to sue them, they told me they would refund some of my money, but instead they called my boss at my workplace and tried to get me fired so I couldn't afford a lawyer. THESE VEHICLES ARE PURCHASED AT AUCTION FOR A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS!!! THEY DO NOT SAVE YOU THOUSANDS, THEY STEAL THOUSANDS FROM YOU! THESE TWO WILL SAY ANYTHING TO GET YOU OFF THE LOT WITH ONE OF THESE CARS. ALL THEY CARE ABOUT IS THEIR MUSCLES AND THEIR TATTOOS, THEIR IMAGE. DONT BE FOOLED AND PURCHASE PRIVATE. DO NOT TRUST KWA.

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