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164 Oriole Rd
V2C 4N7 Kamloops
British Columbia

(250) 377-0090

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:00 AM - 07:30 PM
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM
08:00 AM - 07:30 PM
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM
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Braeden Quinton 26.04.2022
I can unfortunately only give this clinic one star rating.

I’m not sure if things have changed since I was last seen in the summer of 2020. I feel though that my comment is of crucial importance to anyone curious about receiving treatment from this clinic.

I had an accident on a trampoline in the spring of 2020 were I damaged my knee. I went to the ER that same day and was given a loose diagnosis of a damaged mcl by the doctors there. The doctors then recommended that I get in touch with a physiotherapy clinic.

I decided to go to this location because of the proximity it had to my home, I also suspected that SageSport Institute, another physiotherapy clinic in town, was considerably more busy.

I was reaccessed again at this Lifemark location in the summer of 2020 and was given the diagnosis of a damaged mcl for the second time. I had a number of appointments throughout the summer, and after all of the treatment that I had received from those appointments, I was still experiencing symptoms in my knee that I found deeply concerning: My knee did not feel right. In my final appointment I was told that all was well despite my continuing symptoms and that if I like to jump on the trampoline so much, it would be okay for me to do it again; that advice was some of the worst advise I have ever received in my entire life.

I was given a call that fall, the fall of 2020, by the hospital and asked if I would like to meet with an orthopaedic surgeon to check my knee. (I must add I do not know by what means I received this call be it through my visit to the ER, or through my family doctor at the time. I also do not remember ever being informed about receiving a call from the hospital.) I said that I had already seen someone but it would be a good thing to have a second opinion. I was scheduled and waited for my appointment. I went to my appointment and my knee was evaluated a third time. This time the diagnosis was a torn acl.

An acl is unable to heal itself when damaged, and must be surgically replaced in order to prevent future minor and major damage to the knee as a result of a lack of stability brought on by the nonexistence of the acl. In other words had I followed the advice of my physiotherapist at the time, to essentially begin to live life as normal it could have resulted in a serious life altering injury, or perhaps a number of sequential injuries to what severities I do not know.

If I had decided to jump on a trampoline trusting my physiotherapist I could have destroyed my menisci, or again in other words the cushion that resides in the knee that depending on the position of injury will again not heal, leading very possibly to osteoarthritis.

I recently had my surgery, thus essentially in a big way verifying that I was in fact missing my acl. It is for the reason of improper treatment that I give such a low rating. I also do not recommend that any individual who is seeking significant care go here, according to my experience it is not safe.

However as a sweet last note the receptionist was amazing.
Rex Bextex Cylrexron Source: Cylex | 26.01.2015
It is disturbing that these people do work place assessments when they cannot be bothered to maintain their own equipment. When you are in pain or stress the injury further, they will do nothing for you except tell you to stretch it out. Very unprofessional staff.

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