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2000 Spall Rd
V1Y 9P6 Kelowna
British Columbia

(250) 860-1120

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Muhammad Islam (Mujahid) 25.10.2022
Potential customers, BEWARE!! A bunch of GREEDY people running this business. if you paid for anything they will not give you your money back! UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, even though they never shipped your order.

I placed an online order at for $853.14. After waiting for more than a month they were not able to ship my order and they could not give me any definitive date of availability of the product. At this point I wanted to cancel my order and wanted a full refund. They insist on taking a store credit.

What is the use of a store credit if they can't ship my order for more than a month? I would rather take my money and order elsewhere. But, alas! they would not issue a refund at any circumstances. Now I am going through credit card dispute and Canadian Ministry of Consumer Affairs under Consumer protection act hoping to get my hard-earned money back from their pocket.

Stay away from them if you are shopping online.
F P 17.10.2022
My good friend in her 70s bought a used quilting machine here for $5000. They couldnt offer installation on the island and claimed it was just a matter of plugging it in. Now they say she broke it by plugging it in wrong. After a year of strange excuses and denials it is in small claims court but she doesnt have much chance against this company and its lawyers threatening a defamation countersuit for complaining about them. Where has honesty in business gone? Tnis was her dream machine that turned into a nightmare. Seems like lots of other customers have had trouble here too.

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