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913 Park St
B4N 5H3 Kentville
Nova Scotia

(902) 679-1954

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM
24/7 Emergency Services

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Recent reviews on Yably

Chara Gerow 03.05.2022
I hired Ron Martin's Plumbing and Heating LTD. to install a time of time meter. I was advised by the electrician that they sent that [Ron Martin's Plumbing and Heating LTD.] would file the application for the time of day meter with Nova Scotia Power and complete the process so that I would billed differently for off-peak electricity use. I trusted the licensed electrician that they [ Ron Martin's Plumbing and Heating LTD.] sent and left the application with them. It turns out that the electrician lied, and never sent in the application. For the past 16 months I have been over paying for electricity because Ron Martin's Plumbing and Heating LTD. lied to me and told me that they completed a service that they said they did. This has cost me thousands of dollars over the past year and a half. When I finally called NS Power to find out what the issue was, they advised me that they never received the application. I called Ron Martin's Plumbing and Heating LTD. to find out what they could do to rectify their mistake, and they said that they would do absolutely nothing. I am so disappointed in their lack of customer service, and also in their professionalism and commitment to Customer Service Satisfaction. Check out their home page on their website, and they state their dedication to customer service, but they clearly don't care once you have paid them. If you hire Ron Martin's Plumbing and Heating LTD, just make sure you double check their work - they might be lying about completing a service once they have your money. I'm hiring someone else to finish the work that they couldn't complete.

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