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Unit 1 – 1150 Gardiners Road
K7P 1R7 Kingston

(613) 542-1851

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Recent reviews on Yably

Daniel Cayer 06.12.2023
On December 6 of this year, my husband called in because he received a letter stating important news about your water heater rental rate basically that the rental agreement on January 1, 2024 is going up in price. That was fine.
Down near the middle of the letter, it says exclusive savings for rental customers for details. Please visit Reliancehome . he went to the page and it says basically page not found.
So that’s really number one.
So he called in to get the information there was no prompt that would really fulfil the question so press zero, got a very friendly attendant who then passed on the call to billing.
He then waited from 115 to roughly 1:55 PM being told by the customer representative to just hold on. They were working on the issue on finding the information , so he waited. at approximately 2:00 PM he was hung up on the recording went to your survey.
He then called back at 2:10 PM and was finally picked up by Vivian who picked up the call at 2:29. He asked for supervisor as no one seem to be able to answer the question, and at 2:47 the call was picked up by the supervisor named Jerry who was proactive and told him that the call would have to be taken by marketing. Then the call was transferred to Bevenkaba ( sorry if I’m getting the name wrong) in marketing, who basically said they were different deals specials and he noted them on the phone. With each Reliance associates call he had asked for a hardcopy or an email detailing these items. Time after time told that they could talk about it over the phone and that was the answer.
Besides the kerfuffle of spending over two hours, trying to get an answer for something that should’ve taken five minutes on a website that you yourselves sent out in information being transferred from one person to another. Not to mention being hung up by the first billing associate/ customer service has really left us Wondering if we continue being customers . We will be looking into alternatives.

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