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781 Blackburn Mews
K7P 2N5 Kingston

(613) 384-1709

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

mr val Mendes1 03.04.2023
Very poor service, very high prices. Incomplete work and worse of all he will keep your money from the estate as long as he can. From his own words “ I will take as long as I want “
Melina Demone 03.06.2022
This review will be very very long! Firstly Lou is related to us through our father. My father thinking and just before he died realized his mistake, that Lou would be honest and not take his family on a ride. But he did. There were so many instances where we began to distrust him, you cannot imagine! The words from his own mouth, we are family meant nothing. He was never around. He knew nothing about real estate laws and tribunals. We were almost sued over the mishandling of selling and getting a tenant out.. his advice: pay her off. Didn't work. But the worst was his holding back money into an estate account. For what reason we found out in the end when he presented us with a cheque which was less than we, and we had spread sheets on monies going in and coming out and receipts of everything. We were shocked. So we asked for all his receipts and he sneakily threw in a bill for $10,000 that we never got. It was dated the year that we began working with on our fathers estate. Now one would think that he would have given it to us before we paid estate taxes, and submitted our final application to close our father's estate. HE DID NOT. He provided only when he got caught on taking the extra $10,000 for himself, saying these were office charges, for things that had not happened yet. So estimates. Now to do this to family is just sick. Can you imagine what he will do to the general public? As well his office is slow, he is never around(golfing), he is unknowledgeable about most estate laws and real estate laws. I have no idea dreamy what he actually knows about any law. My father used him once in court and my father ended up representing himself because Lou had no clue. So here is what I have to say: please use discretion if you use him as your lawyer. Question everything. And do not by any means allow him to hold any monies in "his" estate account.

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