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1069 Victoria Street North
N2B 3C7 Kitchener

+1 866-234-8200

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Recent reviews on Yably

Dimi Ddo 07.12.2021
In spring of 2021 we went to Aire One to install an air conditioner because they had the brand we were looking for. In June we enrolled into their furnace maintenance plan and in November they came for the first maintenance. From entering our house the technician started with selling services/ products attitude. He asked if we can switch the renting of the water heater to them; The next question was how old was our furnace. As soon as he heard the age he commented that it would had been cheaper if we bought the AC and furnace together…? ..and then the “maintenance” started. He spent more than an hour there and when I went to check on him he said that he did a test and he found 10 ppm CO. Also he pointed at a tin taped hole in the exhaust pipe, which was drilled by a “licensed” technician previously, which, unfortunately, we never noticed and sought responsibility for. The third was missing a gas tag, which we are sure we had it attached to the appliance and probably was gone during the AC installation. Anyway, we were given to sign an infraction paper and got the furnace shut off. The technician gave us the options to either do the repairs or or get a new furnace. He was ready to make an appointment for us with a selling person. We went with repairs, we got a new heat exchanger and bought a new tag. Unfortunately the next technician said that the drilled hole repair is going to be complicated because they have to change the whole exhaust piping which runs across our closed ceiling basement. It would have been two technicians job ($199 /hr) and it could have taken several hours to complete on top of the cost of the material…We are dealing with this issue now, in disbelief of what was inflicted upon us just from inviting Aire One for simply maintenance! We had a terrible experience; disappointment is just an understatement!

As a comment to the owner’s response: We paid $683.65 associated with the new heat exchanger (our was still under warranty) and for the gas test tag. Now the estimate for the exhaust piping replacement is around $1,500. All this came from nowhere just because we invited Aire One into our home!

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