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1351 Strasburg Road
N2R 1H2 Kitchener

(519) 745-7136

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
07:30 AM - 03:00 PM
07:30 AM - 05:00 PM
07:30 AM - 05:00 PM
07:30 AM - 05:00 PM
07:30 AM - 05:00 PM

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Divinus FiliuS 28.10.2022
I find it my utmost duty to inform you on my experience at COBER, so you can make the correct choice whether you want to support a place like that by doing business with them, or even work there. If you think that working exceptionally hard, bringing your BEST attitude and work ethic, being punctual and being welcomed and liked by almost everyone at your new job means you can keep it - you're deadly wrong.
At COBER, if the supervisor/trainer simply doesn't like you, for some minute, personal reason like being LGBT or not being from a certain place, NOTHING else matters. No advice, suggestion, or heads up, you're set to fail- you're done! This is the world we live in today. Where certain people when they're given any sort of authority power, they will abuse it, like showing their worst attitude and anger as they see fit, being utterly condescending, ordering and bringing a full extra large pizza on production floor and eating all day long, sitting and hiding in a corner doing mostly nothing through the shift, breaking company policy at will by chatting and VIDEO calling on their phone literally constantly, wearing so much perfume that your eyes hurt - though you're told you can't wear any, make calls, or bring food, with which I agree. I'm offended in so many ways.
In writing this from the heart and in full honesty lies my only solace, and in hope that if but one of you votes rightly with your heard earned dollar, or choice whether you wish to work at this place where all your best qualities are valued by a nil. Thank you immensely for your time, may you never live through the same as I.

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