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165 King St W
N2G 1A7 Kitchener

(519) 904-0366

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10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

Matt Perusco 03.11.2023
DO NOT TRUST YOUR MONEYS$$$ with this supposed "Bank,"

My uncle and Godfather back in 1982 setup a high interest saving account for me to help kickstart my savings to one day assist with my education and/or purchase of a new home etc. The first deposit was slightly less than $50. However, each month I was earning approximately .50 in initial interest.

The savings fund was with Norfolk Bank which was bought out/taken over by Libro bank in 2014. It is important to note that no changes where made by myself, nor my loving Uncle and Godfather called Paul. Also in 2014, all information and accounts had the benefit of beginning backed up electronically. And I thought/hoped that a bank would obviously keep accurate and consistent records of all of their accounts including my Savings fund. I would hope, as banks/financial institutions; main service is to know and keep up to date records of the moneys their clients trust them to do.

Well, I am a single father on Longterm Disability and proud father to my several disabled autistic daughter and her little/big brother sun. I went to Libro bank with my banking statement which included several posting of its earnings and account number. They told me that they didn't have any information initially however they took a copy of the savings account and assured me that they would do some research and get back to me.

Several weeks pasted and I received a reply. They stated that they had no information whatsoever about my account. Nothing stating as to where my moneys had gone or where the moneys are today. The insisted that my devoted Uncle Paul had somehow taken the moneys or closed the account. This is completely false and I was offended by their rude insinuation. Additionally, they had no proof of its closing and/or placement somewhere else. However, they concluded the email with we can't help you in anyway.

Uncle Paul was as upset as I was. Not only did this apparent "bank/financial institution," have no records of my Savings account open or closed or where it went, which you will agree that their business is to know where/when and what happens to every penny they are commissioned but suggested that the same loving Uncle that initiated for me his Godson, of which I was only 3 years old at the time but that he stole or took it back and is lying to me know that he took the moneys back at some point. I found it incredibly rude for Libro to do so especially since they had no record of any sort.

So if you want a "bank," that doesn't honor their commitments or will imply insultingly suggest my own Uncle took money a from a baby and a "bank," that doesn't keep accurate records then try your luck.

Matthew Joseph Perusco

p.s. the funds if honoured and treated accordingly was going to be used for my daughter's autism therapy.

Thanks a lot Libro "bank." I will warn the world of your abusive and fraudulent treatment of me and my family. You are thieves and liars.

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