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C Williscroft 25.08.2023
TL;DR: Don’t use an emergency vet unless you absolutely have to, and even then don’t use Animal Emergency Clinic of The Fraser Valley. The care was insufficient and management won’t address the problem.

Our cat (7m) developed a pus-filled abscess on his back, probably due to a cat fight. This upset my family who insisted on rushing him to an emergency care vet. I was in favour of taking him to our normal vet in the morning but I’m just the dad…

My wife is a nurse and while giving the boil a little prod, a small laceration burst open and started oozing pus. Knowing that draining it was a first step, we expressed as much out as we could, then took the cat off to Animal Emergency Clinic of The Fraser Valley in Langley BC.

They were very nice people.

Emergency vets are expensive so the $180 emergency and consultation fee was no surprise (even though it applies also during normal working hours and follow up visits). After a couple of hours, our cat was returned to us with some antibiotics and Metacam (a controversial NSAID pain reliever). I noticed there was no drain in the wound and asked about it but was told it was not a problem. We got some blood work done ($180) we prob didn’t have to but we applied an abundance of caution. Got out of there $550 dollars later.

When my wife (the nurse) saw there was no drain she was surprised as a drain is standard for abscesses.

Within 4 days, the abscess came back despite the antibiotics. We took the cat to our regular vet and they said that a drain would likely have prevented the drain surgery we were now looking at. When we said where we had taken the cat (Animal Emergency Clinic of The Fraser Valley) the vet made some vague noises about that place not being so good to go to.

Meanwhile, the poor cat needs surgery, IV and sedation, as well as more antibiotics, all to the tune of another $500. Our vet cut us a bit of a deal but still…

I contacted Animal Emergency Clinic of The Fraser Valley twice, politely, and was told in each case that management would contact me. Nada so far.

The first time I spoke with the clearly uncomfortable receptionist (no one likes complaint calls) she said she wasn’t sure what they could do for us. I said that if it were my business, I’d say, “Oops, our bad. Here’s at least a partial refund.”

But no response so far. That’s $1000 we can’t afford right now. Five hundred is bad enough but repeating the cost because of poor treatment is frustrating. What is worse is the unwillingness by management to address the issue.
Cecilia Cardwell 18.02.2022
I really dislike writing bad reviews, especially any place health related. I will get to the point, the place overpriced the care for my cat, which I got the same care at a different clinic for less then OVER HALF the amount of which they said(they said over 2grand, and other place was 600), while they held my cat for over two hours, forcing me to sign a form that I was bringing her home and declining treatment, which I was not, I stated many times I was bringing her to another clinic (and I did right away when they finally freaking gave her to me!). When she came out, she was drowsy and wet. They did not care I was stressed out by how they were treating me and wasting precious time in helping my cat and held her for a long time! I have complained officially, and they also did nothing, and sided with the overpriced vet (who won't even come out to see you by the way, she didn't even talk to me once, she stayed in the back). I warn everyone DO NOT GO HERE, THEY ARE OVERPRICED AND MAY MAKE YOU SIGN FORMS THAT ARE NOT TRUE. PLEASE GO TO A FAIR AND CARING VET HOSPITAL, MANY ARE IN SURREY, FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE ME.

And to the clinic, I really hope for the sake of other pets and their owners you guys change to be fair for their health, they deserve it as we are their voice and caretakers. Take care.

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